Why Be a PT?

Today I wrote a post for The PT Project based on a cool interactive graphic in The New York Times, which asked a group of high school seniors about their 10 year plans.

One of the seniors, a girl named Carli, said she hopes to become a PT. Her main inspiration are the PT’s who have helped her with her knee problems. However, some of the other reasons she included in the 30-second audio clip, are that the job is low stress and high paying.

One of my editors at the PT project said Carli may be misguided if she enters the job thinking it is low stress and suggested that she and other potential PT students volunteer with PTs and their patients before making their career decision.

This made me wonder: 1. Is being a PT actually a low stress job? 2. Is wanting to “make bank” a good reason to go into a field that is better known for helping people?

I’m curious what other PT’s and PT students think about this, and what their reasons for going into PT are.