Blogging for the PT Project

Since my last post, the PT Project has taken me on as a blogger.

Here’s my introductory post for them:

Hi All,

I’m taking over the PT Project’s Twitter account — check it out @thePTproject — and will also be blogging about being a PT student, so I want to introduce myself.

I first considered physical therapy as a career in high school after I saw a physical therapist to help treat the ankle I badly sprained during cross-country practice.

I have always loved biology. I was the girl who performed extra tasks during dissections such as cutting into the brain, just to see what it looked like. I was awed by my PT’s deep knowledge of the body, and how she could take what I only felt as general pain, turn it into a diagnosis and form an intricate treatment plan.

In college at Cornell University, I took two semesters of biology, but became more focused on writing and editing for the independent student newspaper, The Cornell Daily Sun. Journalism became my passion, and I worked hard to rise up in the newspaper, becoming first a News Editor and then the Assistant Managing Editor. On the side, I enjoyed dabbling in sports journalism and I was fortunate enough to cover Cornell’s run to the Sweet 16 in NCAA men’s basketball.

Thanks to those experiences and an internship the previous summer at WOR News Talk Radio, I landed a job after graduation hosting an American college sports show called Jumpshots with Jasmine on Israel Sports Radio in Jerusalem, Israel.

While in Israel, I began to think about what I wanted to do next. I knew I wanted to stay involved with sports and exercise (I had become something of a gym rat), and began to think of how I could combine that with some of my other interests. I wanted to be able to help people, as well as continue meeting new people and getting to know them, all traits that draw upon the skills I developed as journalist and psychology major.

Remembering my early interest in physical therapy, my mind was suddenly made up.

I am now in the process of taking classes to finish the pre-requisites I need to apply to a Doctor of Physical Therapy program. I hope to apply for entrance in the fall of 2012 and graduate in 2015.

Along the way, I’ll keep you updated on my journey through my blog.
