How Much Money Does it Cost to Apply to PT School?

We all know that PT school is expensive, but applying to get into PT school costs money too. If you’re getting ready to apply to programs, the costs can range from several hundred to a few thousand dollars, depending on your circumstances.

Here’s an idea of some of the costs to keep in mind:

  1. PTCAS. PTCAS costs $155 for the first program to which you’re applying, and $60 for each program after that. Some schools also charge additional application fees.
  2. GRE. It costs $205 to take the GRE, not counting books or courses to study, or score reports after you’ve taken the test. You can send your scores to four PT schools for free when you take the test, but after that, it is $27/school.
  3. Transcript fees. Some schools will charge you to order and send your transcripts.
  4. Interviews. This is widely variable as some schools don’t interview applicants at all, and others hold them virtually. However, in-person interview costs can add up fast if you need to purchase on outfit, airfare or other transportation, plus possible hotel costs.

As in most things PT-related, the cost of applying to physical therapy programs depends on many factors, but it can be helpful to keep this in mind so you can plan ahead.