Are You Behind on Your PTCAS Application?

When I recently looked through my own PTCAS application materials, I was stunned to realize I didn’t submit my applications until November!

I recently shared this story with an applicant whose essay I edited after she emailed to ask if she was behind because she hadn’t submitted her applications yet.


It is still early in the admissions process for most schools. I see a lot of pressure online each day to submit PTCAS early, but this isn’t the right step for everyone.

Some applicants, like me a few years ago, are still studying for the GRE, compiling shadowing hours, and plugging away at their personal statements. If this is you, you may not be ready to submit PTCAS yet. In this case, take your time. A well-written and mistake-free application submitted in the fall is better than a rushed application full of mistakes submitted July 1.

That said, there are some caveats to this:

  1. Early deadlines. You can check program submission deadlines here. Obviously, you can’t submit your application past the deadline, so if you have early deadlines coming up, it’s time to finish and send your application.
  2. Low GPA applicant. If you’re worried about your grades or test scores, you may want to submit a little earlier. Many schools have rolling admissions, which means you benefit a little from applying early.
  3. Being paralyzed by fear. I see a lot of people on social media talking about how they feel stuck in their applications. Filling out PTCAS takes a lot of time and all the little details can be confusing. Then there’s the pressure of writing the perfect essay, getting the best recommendation letters, and observing at the most diverse array of settings.

If this is you, reach out! I can help you brainstorm and polish your essay, prep for your interview, and come up with a strategy to finish the rest of your applications!

So whether you’re still finishing your application or have already been invited for an interview, don’t compare other people’s timeline to you own!