Wheelchair Riding in College
Great article about a college student with a spinal cord injury navigating college by wheelchair Wheelchair Riding in College
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Great article about a college student with a spinal cord injury navigating college by wheelchair Wheelchair Riding in College
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Unlike many others in the tri-state area, I’m lucky to have retained power and been relatively unaffected by Hurricane Sandy. However, millions of others have been affected, and you can see some of the damage in pictures taken by my friend Munier. As a health sciences student in New York City, my thoughts are especially
As of last week, I officially made it through my first round of midterms! Having seven tests in two weeks was really draining, but overall I’m proud of how I did. For each class, I also now have a clearer idea of what I’m doing right, and which areas I need to improve. It’s been
Post-Midterms Reflection Read More »
I think this could work depending on how quickly your GRE scores come in, but my advice would be to ask PTCAS and ask the schools you’re applying to individually to see if this will work for them. Good luck!
Ever since I used to read the science-for-kids magazines that my parents ordered for me when I was little, I’ve been especially interested in dreams. This interest only deepened in college when I took a psychology course on sleeping and dreaming. So it’s been fascinating for me that since I started PT school five weeks
Dreaming of Anatomy Read More »
I find it interesting that while overall new enrollment in graduate schools decreased this year, enrollment increased in grad schools in the health sciences by 6.4%. Although The New York Times doesn’t specifically mention which programs this includes, I have to assume it includes PT. As they note, “The health care industry has been hiring
Grad Health Programs Growing Read More »
It can be very overwhelming! My advice is to take all the schools you’re interested in and make a spreadsheet of their pre-reqs. You can’t take every pre-req for every school, but you can eliminate some schools and take pre-reqs that will work for a bunch of schools. My spreadsheet probably had about 20 schools,
There are always a lot of rankings showing that PT is a growing profession or a field in which many people are happy. Today, a classmate of mine found a list showing that PT is also the fourth best paying job of the future, according to Yahoo. The article also sites the fact that by
A Well-Paying Job Read More »
One of my guilty pleasures is browsing the Weddings/Celebrations section of The New York Times each Sunday and reading the cute stories of how some of the couples met. This weekend I stumbled across the wedding announcement of a descendent of Kurt Vonnegut marrying her former physical therapist. Since I inherited Vonnegut’s position of Assistant Managing
Wedding PT to Journalism Read More »
As of this weekend, I have finished my first week of PT school, although I won’t have had two of my six classes until this afternoon. So far, it’s been quite the ride. The experience feels a bit like high school in the sense that once again I’m in a class of 65’ish students and
First Week of School Read More »