
Hey Jasmine! Thanks for creating such a helpful and wonderful site! I am also interested in becoming a physical therapist. I was wondering if you could share some of your opinions on the paperwork required as a physical therapist? Do you find it a time consuming hassle at your setting? How much time do you spend on it? Thanks in advance, and I hope everything is going great at your work!

The paper work is time consuming, but not too bad. Between breaks in my schedule and lunch, I am able to get it done easily. Sometimes, I have to stay for up to half an hour to finish it at the end of the day, but that’s just part of the job description. I am […]

Hey Jasmine! Thanks for creating such a helpful and wonderful site! I am also interested in becoming a physical therapist. I was wondering if you could share some of your opinions on the paperwork required as a physical therapist? Do you find it a time consuming hassle at your setting? How much time do you spend on it? Thanks in advance, and I hope everything is going great at your work! Read More »

I love this. I definitely say similarly awkward things to my patients all the time! raechelolivia: sometimes i think i’m awkward, but then i just remember the time my physical therapist said “have a good night” to me as i was leaving from my appointment at 7:30 in the morning

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APTA’s vision for physical therapy is “transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience”. How will you embody this vision as a future physical therapist? PTCAS Application Essay July 2, 2015 (via odds3) Good luck to everyone applying this summer and fall!

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Hi(: new follower ! So I’m going on my last year of prePT and today the physical therapist I shadow mentioned organic chemistry being a pre req. and I haven’t seen any school but one that had mentioned organic and bio Chem. any thoughts on that? Is that a thing I am unaware of? Also good job and you’re amazing! I’m your new biggest fan

Thanks! The therapist you’re shadowing probably went to one of the handful of schools that requires orgo, but most don’t. I never took it and neither did most of my classmates (same with bio chem). Double check the pre-reqs with each school to which you’re applying, but don’t worry about orgo!

Hi(: new follower ! So I’m going on my last year of prePT and today the physical therapist I shadow mentioned organic chemistry being a pre req. and I haven’t seen any school but one that had mentioned organic and bio Chem. any thoughts on that? Is that a thing I am unaware of? Also good job and you’re amazing! I’m your new biggest fan Read More »

@ladygaga on Instagram: “Up early for hip exercise! I have to do these everyday to keep my hip strong, otherwise I have pain. ( fyi I’m not really that thin it’s…”

I love this picture because even Lady Gaga (who had hip surgery back in 2013) has to do her PT exercises! She seems to be bridging to help keep her gluteus maximi strong since it helps control backward hip motion. The red Theraband also incorporates her gluteus minimi, which further help control the hip’s side-to-side

@ladygaga on Instagram: “Up early for hip exercise! I have to do these everyday to keep my hip strong, otherwise I have pain. ( fyi I’m not really that thin it’s…” Read More »

Congratulations on your first job as a physical therapist! I saw that you said it was the site of your third clinical and I was wondering if you don’t mind saying which clinic that is and why you chose it as a clinical setting. The reason I ask is because I want to get a head start on which clinical affiliations to choose. I am in the new york city area and so far I am not particular with a specific demographic or specialty. Were there settings that were desired more than others in your program?

There are thousands of clinics, and I recommend finding one that you think will fit you well rather than one that you happen to hear about. I am in outpatient ortho in upstate New York, and overall, ortho was probably the most popular at my school. However, there are also lots of ortho clinics so

Congratulations on your first job as a physical therapist! I saw that you said it was the site of your third clinical and I was wondering if you don’t mind saying which clinic that is and why you chose it as a clinical setting. The reason I ask is because I want to get a head start on which clinical affiliations to choose. I am in the new york city area and so far I am not particular with a specific demographic or specialty. Were there settings that were desired more than others in your program? Read More »

Hi! I found your blog at the perfect time, as I’m about to apply to PT school next month! My GPA is lower than the average accepted GPA at many of the schools I’m applying to, but I’ve got a ton of shadowing, extracurricular, and work experience as well as above-average GRE scores. I’m terrified that my GPA will keep me out before they even see my other stuff- do you have any advice? How did you stack up among applicants? Thanks so much!!

Hopefully your GPA won’t keep you out because it sounds like you have a lot of great experience. Is it possible to retake a class or two to boost your GPA? If you have a good reason for your GPA (ex a long illness, etc) you should find a way to address it in your

Hi! I found your blog at the perfect time, as I’m about to apply to PT school next month! My GPA is lower than the average accepted GPA at many of the schools I’m applying to, but I’ve got a ton of shadowing, extracurricular, and work experience as well as above-average GRE scores. I’m terrified that my GPA will keep me out before they even see my other stuff- do you have any advice? How did you stack up among applicants? Thanks so much!! Read More »